cr Ilé strengthens financial sustainability through partnerships that inform the community

Most community radios in Mozambique, both public and private ones, have limited income and face financial problems on more or less a permanent basis. The path to financial sustainability is a difficult one. Working with more than 40 radio stations on sustainability, h2n is applying the Five Pillar sustainability framework that it developed to meet… Continue a ler cr Ilé strengthens financial sustainability through partnerships that inform the community

Training the next generation of communicators and agents for social change in Cabo Delgado

Despite the twin challenges of a virulent pandemic and a violent insurgency, h2n’s Youth Hub program continues to expand into new districts in Cabo Delgado. The program, which provides coaching and mentorship in communication, radio journalism, television production, life skills and civic participation for young people, is based on close collaboration with local community radio… Continue a ler Training the next generation of communicators and agents for social change in Cabo Delgado

Gender Communication Network members record women’s narratives in Metuge Camp

In the beginning of the year, h2n established the core of the Gender Communication Network (GCN) in Cabo Delgado, a network of community radio reporters focused on issues related to gender equality and the promotion and protection of women’s rights in the province. The main purpose of the GCN is to promote public debate and… Continue a ler Gender Communication Network members record women’s narratives in Metuge Camp