Jornalistas enaltecem impacto de formação em direitos humanos inclusão no âmbito do CRP IV 

Jornalistas de rádios comunitárias da cidade e província de Maputo, enalteceram o impacto da formação em direitos humanos e inclusão, dada pela h2n e TV Surdo, na última semana, no âmbito do Projecto CRP IV. A formação, que abordou questões como estereótipos, linguagem inclusiva e literacia legal, foi elogiado pelos participantes, que salientaram o impacto… Continue a ler Jornalistas enaltecem impacto de formação em direitos humanos inclusão no âmbito do CRP IV 

h2n e IDES formam 200 observadores para garantir transparência e inclusão nas Eleições Gerais de 2024

No âmbito do projecto CORAGEM, a h2n, em parceria com a Plataforma DECIDE, do Instituto para o Desenvolvimento Económico e Social (IDES), deu início a uma série de formações focadas em observação eleitoral e direitos humanos. A primeira formação ocorreu neste sábado, 17 de Agosto, em Nampula, com a participação de 75 observadores. No total,… Continue a ler h2n e IDES formam 200 observadores para garantir transparência e inclusão nas Eleições Gerais de 2024

5th Annual Community Radio Leadership Conference takes place in Nampula

Under the auspices of the USAID CORAGEM project, the 5th Annual Community Radio Leadership Conference organized by h2n took place in Nampula last week. The conference was divided in a two-day technical part and a three-day session focused on leadership and strategy. A main objective of the conference was to present the project’s grants scheme… Continue a ler 5th Annual Community Radio Leadership Conference takes place in Nampula

Community videos in Rapale encourage behavior change in nutrition

With social distancing measures duly observed, a viewing of community videos produced under the USAID Transform Nutrition (TN) project took place in the Namitatari area in Rapale district yesterday. Some 140 people watched the videos, which had been made by the local community video group. “The videos help a lot, because they show people what… Continue a ler Community videos in Rapale encourage behavior change in nutrition

h2n and partners launch USAID Coragem in support of community radios

In Nampula this morning, representatives of USAID, h2n, project partners and the provincial government launched the CORAGEM project, a $6 million initiative funded by USAID that is designed to support community radios in the four northern provinces by strengthening radio journalism, sustainability and engagement. “We aim to help radio stations operate a high technical level,… Continue a ler h2n and partners launch USAID Coragem in support of community radios

Covid-19 communication efforts evolve to focus more strongly on the quality of information

Since the beginning of the year, h2n has been working with community radio stations across the country to address Covid-19 issues from new angles in order to assist the stations to provide high-quality information and address the concerns of their listeners. A major push in this effort has been a series of trainings aimed at… Continue a ler Covid-19 communication efforts evolve to focus more strongly on the quality of information

Association h2n marks 3-year anniversary today

Association h2n (h2n) is a Mozambican NGO that was registered three years ago today, as a successor organization to the USAID-funded Media Strengthening Program (MSP) implemented between 2012 and 2019. MSP staff members also established two other organizations, Midia Lab (journalism training and media development) and TV Surdo (inclusive media and advocacy for persons with… Continue a ler Association h2n marks 3-year anniversary today

Podcasts help increase awareness of TB across 50 districts and nationwide

As part of the Local TB Response project, which is funded by USAID and led by ADPP, h2n has been developing and expanding new communication approaches to increase awareness of all aspects of the TB lifecycle from diagnostics to treatment. The five-year project seeks to expand the TB response in 50 districts in Sofala, Tete,… Continue a ler Podcasts help increase awareness of TB across 50 districts and nationwide

Pursuing a systematic approach to sustainability for community radios

Working within the Five Pillar sustainability framework, a systematic approach to sustainability for community radios and other community-based organizations, h2n has been training community radio administrators and reports in Maputo and Gaza on a wide range of initiatives. These include financial management, marketing, strategy, conflict management and creating an organizational culture that fosters creativity, transparency… Continue a ler Pursuing a systematic approach to sustainability for community radios

Community narratives: Mariza became a single mother at 16, but does not intend to give up

“I am not giving up,” says Mariza Sebastião, a 17-year adolescent who lives in the Chirangano neighborhood of Quelimane. “When I started dating, I was 14 and my boyfriend was 20,” explains Mariza. “We were truly in love and always together, nothing could separate us, but then I became pregnant. I wasn’t unhappy about the… Continue a ler Community narratives: Mariza became a single mother at 16, but does not intend to give up