who we are

[qodef_elements_holder holder_full_height=”no” number_of_columns=”one-column” switch_to_one_column=”” alignment_one_column=””][qodef_elements_holder_item item_padding_769_1024=”0 18% 0 0″][qodef_icon_with_text enable_boxed=”yes” type=”icon-left” hover=”gold” icon_pack=”linea_icons” linea_icon=”icon-basic-pencil-ruler” icon_size=”qodef-icon-large” title_tag=”h5″ title=”what we do” text=”through a series of program activities, in-house resources and multiple communication channels, h2n combines community-based communications, mass-media and online engagement strategies with advocacy for long-term social and behavior change.” link=”#” custom_icon_size=”55px” icon_color=”rgba(41,52,120,0.5)” title_hover_color=””]
[qodef_elements_holder holder_full_height=”no” number_of_columns=”one-column” switch_to_one_column=”” alignment_one_column=””][qodef_elements_holder_item item_padding_769_1024=”0 18% 0 0″][qodef_icon_with_text enable_boxed=”yes” type=”icon-left” hover=”gold” icon_pack=”linea_icons” linea_icon=”icon-basic-lightbulb” icon_size=”qodef-icon-large” title_tag=”h5″ title=”what we are” text=”h2n is a mozambican non-governmental organization established in 2017 and officially registered in 2018 as one of three local successor organizations incubated under the usaid-funded mozambique media strengthening program (msp), which started in 2012 and ended in 2019. h2n helps advance the process of changing social norms and individual behaviors by simultaneously providing more, better and more effective information.” icon_color=”rgba(41,52,120,0.5)” link=”#” custom_icon_size=”55px” title_hover_color=””]
[qodef_section_title type=”standard” position=”center” title_tag=”h4″ disable_break_words=”no” title=”what we belive in”]
[qodef_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”ion_icons” ion_icon=”” icon_animation=”yes” title_tag=”” custom_icon=”7005″ title=”inclusion” title_hover_color=”” text=”we believe in an inclusive society with equal access and opportunity for all people regardless of their origin, orientation or current situation. we express this value in our organization by accepting each other as fellow human beings of equal value and by working to eliminate any form of direct or indirect discrimination among us.”]
[qodef_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”ion_icons” ion_icon=”” icon_animation=”yes” title_tag=”” custom_icon=”7007″ title=”transparency” title_hover_color=”” text=”we believe in sharing information, insights and knowledge in an open and transparent manner, whenever and wherever possible. we express this value in our organization by encouraging openness in administrative processes, welcoming visitors and publishing lessons learnt that may be useful to our partners and others.”]
[qodef_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”ion_icons” ion_icon=”” icon_animation=”yes” title_tag=”” custom_icon=”7003″ title=”innovation” title_hover_color=”” text=”we believe in innovation as a cornerstone of effective development and a driver of personal, professional and economic growth. we believe in continuous improvement and in doing things better than before. we express this value in our organization by being active problem solvers, thinking outside the box and always moving forward.” icon_animation_delay=”2000″]
[qodef_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”ion_icons” ion_icon=”” icon_animation=”yes” title_tag=”” custom_icon=”7004″ title=”integrity” title_hover_color=”” text=”we believe in integrity as a moral compass for individuals and organizations. integrity shapes actions and behaviors that reflect our higher ideals; it is how we comport ourselves when no one is looking. we express this value in our organization by rejecting dishonesty, fraud and administrative shortcuts and by always doing what is right.” custom_icon_size=”128″ icon_animation_delay=”2000″ shape_size=”128″]
[qodef_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”ion_icons” ion_icon=”” icon_animation=”yes” title_tag=”” custom_icon=”7002″ title=”equity” title_hover_color=”” text=”we believe in equity as an expression of equality, fairness and balance in all things. equity is founded on social justice and the equal worth of all people. we express this value in our organization by establishing fair processes and clear policies. we value all ideas, suggestions and proposals and assess them on their own merit.” icon_animation_delay=”2000″]
[qodef_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_pack=”ion_icons” ion_icon=”” icon_animation=”yes” title_tag=”” custom_icon=”7006″ title=”professionalism” title_hover_color=”” text=”we believe in working at the highest levels of competence and effectiveness and complying with international performance standards. we express this value in our organization by focusing on quality in everything we do. we strive for personal and professional growth and pursue learning hat help us develop new areas of expertise.” icon_animation_delay=”2000″]
[qodef_section_title type=”standard” position=”center” title_tag=”h4″ disable_break_words=”no” title=”how we work”][qodef_workflow animate=”yes”][qodef_workflow_item title=”we improve lives” text=”our focus is on improving the lives of people: improving their health, furthering their education and giving them more opportunities to lead happy and meaningful lives. everything we do is aimed at driving positive change in individuals and communities.” image=”6021″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we empower people” text=”we empower people by giving them information, mechanisms and tools to assess their own circumstances, take relevant action and hold their leaders accountable. we trust people to make their own educated choices based on information and knowledge.” image=”6023″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we focus on long-term impact” text=”we pursue lasting, long-term impact in our work. we are motivated by real change and deep impact, not by superficial results that don’t mean much for ordinary people. we pursue this impact primarily through capacity-building, training and communication.” image=”6025″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we analyze and use evidence” text=”we are driven by thoughtful analysis. whenever possible, we strive to base our program activities on evidence, and we seek to generate data and evidence that can help us on a path of continuous improvement and towards greater impact.” image=”6027″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we collaborate” text=”our organizations are designed to collaborate with each other and with others. we build partnerships and construct networks and firmly believe that we can achieve more when we work together towards shared goals than if we work in isolation.” image=”6028″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we exercise ownership” text=”we take full ownership of our work, our projects and our lives. we don’t run away from responsibility by passing it over to someone else or blaming others for our failures. every member of the team is in charge of his/her area. we are our own bosses.” image=”6030″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we take initiative” text=”we are proactive, take initiative and do not wait to be told what to do because we have a profound understanding of what it is that we are trying to achieve and what we are working for. we always move things forward.” image=”6031″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we act with speed” text=”we will never do something slowly if we can do it fast. We think and reflect on the consequences of our actions, but we don’t postpone things just because we are afraid to be wrong or that someone will criticize us. moving things forward with speed is essential.” image=”6032″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we learn constantly” text=”we are all on a learning path and set learning goals for ourselves and the people around us. we are defined by a growth mindset. we are curious and open to new impulses and welcome input from all sources, regardless of who, where or what.” image=”6034″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we communicate effectively” text=”our programs are defined and linked together by communication. we interact openly and directly with each other and engage closely with the people we work with and for. we are proactive in our communication and share information freely.” image=”6037″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we give and receive feedback” text=”we are open to giving and receiving feedback with the aim to grow individually and as organizations. feedback is a valuable gift that one gives in a spirit of friendship and with a desire to improve our organizational performance. withholding feedback is a selfish act.” image=”6039″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we promote transparency” text=”our programs are based on transparency. we believe that transparency is necessary to solve problems and remove obstacles to change. transparency builds trust and helps create an environment that is focused on continuous improvement.” image=”6040″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we build capacity” text=”as a team our goal is to make a significant addition to the pool of talent. we are committed to professional training and internal promotions wherever possible, and we are actively looking for team members who have the capacity and desire to grow.” image=”6041″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we defend our position” text=”if we believe in something, we defend our position, calmly and politely. we respect the viewpoints of others, but we don’t remain quiet when issues are discussed. we think about the issues, take a stance and defend our position if we have to.” image=”6043″][qodef_workflow_item title=”we pursue self-reliance” text=”we are relentless in our pursuit of self-reliance. gradually but persistently, we look for ways of becoming more independent. we will never again subordinate ourselves to an international organization but will rather disband before doing so.” image=”6045″][/qodef_workflow]
[qodef_section_title type=”standard” position=”center” title_tag=”h4″ disable_break_words=”no” title=”who we are”]
[qodef_team_holder active_element=”1″ column_number=”4″][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”5527″ team_name=”sérgio chusane” team_position=”Executive Director”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”5534″ team_name=”farida ustá” team_position=”director of programs”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”5532″ team_name=”shireen cassim” team_position=”director of administration, finance & operations”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”7706″ team_name=”ana macuácua” team_position=”project coordinator”][/qodef_team_holder]
[qodef_team_holder active_element=”1″ column_number=”4″][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_social_icon_pack=””][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”5529″ team_name=”énia lipanga” team_position=”program assistant for gender equality”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”7662″ team_name=”leodimila zacarias” team_position=”program assistant community radio”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”5535″ team_name=”amândio sefane” team_position=”project manager”][/qodef_team_holder]
[qodef_team_holder active_element=”1″ column_number=”4″][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_position=”senior communication assistant”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”6901″ team_name=”Mana Clara Sadia” team_position=”project manager”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”6904″ team_name=”hélio cuambe” team_position=”Monitoring and Evaluation Official”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”6902″ team_name=”sheynise muzé” team_position=”program assistant community radio”][/qodef_team_holder]
[qodef_team_holder active_element=”1″ column_number=”4″][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”7068″ team_name=”libério nhatumbo” team_position=”community videos group project specialist”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”7065″ team_name=”neuza simões” team_position=”administrative and financial assistant”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”7066″ team_name=”edna massingue” team_position=”finance manager”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”7080″ team_name=”daniel cazimoto” team_position=”Coordinator for community radio & community video group”][/qodef_team_holder]
[qodef_team_holder active_element=”1″ column_number=”4″][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”7920″ team_name=”edinise nassone” team_position=”Project Coordinator”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”8028″ team_name=”lora xerinda” team_position=”field assistant”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”7922″ team_name=”Etelvina de almeida” team_position=”tv specialist”][qodef_team type=”info-below-image” team_name_tag=”” team_social_icon_pack=”” team_image=”7923″ team_name=”mércia guambe” team_position=”tv specialist”][/qodef_team_holder]