h2n works with PATH on video and radio content for early childhood development

Cognitive and emotional stimulation through parent involvement and appropriate nutrition in the first years of life may determine the future trajectory of a child’s development. Acquiring learning through the school system can be a challenge at the best of times, but has been even more difficult during the pandemic as schools have closed down for… Continue a ler h2n works with PATH on video and radio content for early childhood development

Advocacy training for community radios in Nampula helps marginalized groups

During the month of August, the h2n team trained seven community radio partner stations in Nampula on approaches, methods and strategies for advocacy on social issues. The objective of the one-month mentoring and coaching initiative was to increase the capacity of journalists to report better on issues related to the expansion and protection of human… Continue a ler Advocacy training for community radios in Nampula helps marginalized groups

COVID-19 pandemic catalyzes rapid acceleration in the adoption of digital products and tools

Last month, when h2n started to produce the live streams from MISAU’s daily press conferences, organize the Zoom forum for participating journalists and provide the television images used by TV stations, it was but one step in the rapid adoption of digital products and tools at h2n, Midia Lab and TV Surdo. These moves to… Continue a ler COVID-19 pandemic catalyzes rapid acceleration in the adoption of digital products and tools