“Voz da Comunidade” helps people with Covid-19 symptoms overcome fear of going to health

A recent surge in Covid-19 cases in Maputo City and Maputo province, following the September 5-7 long weekend, has led to renewed concern about potentially out-of-control community spread of the coronavirus. “We are continuing our Covid-19 information campaign as before, but we do think that people have started to let their guard down to some… Continue a ler “Voz da Comunidade” helps people with Covid-19 symptoms overcome fear of going to health

Midia Lab and h2n produce live feed and television images from MISAU’s daily press briefings

In response to a request from MISAU, and in order to aid social distancing efforts, Midia Lab and h2n now stream live feeds from the ministry’s daily press briefings and produce the images that Mozambican television stations use in their news broadcasts. The television images go out via TV Cabo, whereas the live feed goes… Continue a ler Midia Lab and h2n produce live feed and television images from MISAU’s daily press briefings

h2n aims to distribute 10,000 face masks to vendors in Maputo markets

While many people are being encouraged to stay at home to reduce the risk of being infected or infecting others, this is not an option that is open to workers in low-income jobs, such as market vendors, who have to work every day to feed their families. In the city markets, the vendors, who are… Continue a ler h2n aims to distribute 10,000 face masks to vendors in Maputo markets

Songs in local languages help disseminate messages to prevent spread of corona virus

As the corona virus pandemic continues to expand, the importance or implementing preventative measures is growing. The country is currently facing a dual challenge of disseminating accurate, timely and potentially lifesaving messages on the one hand and countering a steady flow of disinformation on the other. This challenge has been referred to by some as… Continue a ler Songs in local languages help disseminate messages to prevent spread of corona virus